Breast lift

A breast lift can be recommended in cases such as after breastfeeding or after considerable weight loss. Sometimes sagging breasts are simply in the genes. In this case too, a breast lift is probably what you are looking for.

Breast lift procedure

Before the procedure, the surgeon draws the pattern symmetrically on each breast. First he places the nipple higher, and then he removes the excess skin. Next he moulds the gland into the desired shape.

Do you have too little gland tissue or fat tissue in your breasts? Then it’s best to consider a combination of a lift with prostheses.

Consult our specialists for expert advice tailored to your needs and requirements. They practice the latest techniques and offer you tailor-made advice on the most appropriate aesthetic treatment.

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Crescent lift

Here the surgeon only removes a crescent-shaped piece of skin at the top of the areola. This allows him to lift the areola by only about one to two centimetres.

Breast lift with an internal bra

In order to lift the breasts, in this procedure the surgeon implants an internal bra consisting of polyester gas. In this procedure, he also places the areola higher and reshapes the breast gland. This is done with your own tissue. No prostheses are required.

Afterwards the surgeon places a polyester net of the right size around the gland tissue and fastens it to the breast muscle. This ensures a permanent result. He then places the skin back over the net and the newly shaped gland. Finally he stitches the wound without stretching it, so that it heals better.

A breast lift is performed under general anaesthetic, with the exception of the crescent lift, which can be done under local anaesthetic.

Prices breast lift

Crescent lift: as of €1,100
Breast lift: as of €4,000

Related procedures

Nieuwelaan, 224, B - 1860 Meise, Telefoon: +32(0)2/260 11 00, Fax: +32(0)2/260 11 11, E-mail:

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